On Demand Webinars
Revealing the Unseen: Applying 2D X-ray Imaging in the Agricultural Sciences

Revealing the Unseen: Applying 2D X-ray Imaging in the Agricultural Sciences
Discover how KUBTEC cutting-edge technology reveals unseen secrets within seeds, soil, and plant structures which the human eye can never see. Gain valuable knowledge from leading expert Hector E. Perez, Ph.D., Professor at University of Florida as he demonstrates real-life case studies and shares best practices for integrating 2D X-ray imaging into agricultural practices.
Hector E. Perez, Ph.D., Professor, Seed Biology at University of Florida said that “ Agricultural X-ray Imaging, much like medical X-rays produces images of plants and other agriculture products that the human eye can never see. As a result X-ray imaging has gain prominence as an essential diagnostics tool in agriculture and natural resources sciences".
Watch this on-demand webinar on how Hector E. Perez used the KUBTEC® XPERT® 80 2D X-ray imaging system for his agricultural sciences research.
'We could use X-ray analysis to assess seed lot quality by evaluating the proportions of filled and unfilled seeds'.

Hector E. Perez